Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Hello World!

I just thought it fitting to title my first blog post after the first program every computer programmer has to learn how to write. Ok I'm not that big of a geek but I did take C++ programming in high school and a little bit in college. I had the crazy aspirations of becoming a game programmer some day but it just kinda fell through the cracks. Now I am a network security firewall engineer, so I guess it wasn't a total failure.

Well a little bit more about me...I started playing online rpg's ever since my good friend introduced me to Ultima Online. At first I thought I wouldn't like it but in just 30 min I was hooked and have been ever since. I just love the fact you can kinda take a break for a while and play a game that doesn't have a designated end which in turn forces you to go out and buy another game. Also, the best part is you can just sit back and have a great time with real life friends and since they all live in Phoenix (my hometown) and I'm stuck out here in Colorado Springs it's a great way to still keep in touch.

So anyway onto WoW. I started playing ever since the game was released and my main character is a hunter named Daelimar. I kinda just stuck with my friends and did quests and some 5 man's here and there with the occational pvp (which I kinda sucked at back then). It would just get my heart racing and I would be all freaked out and hit the wrong buttons and just look like a fool lol. Then a friend and I somehow got invited into a new an up and coming raiding guild and started raiding Molten Core shortly after it was released. I had a TON of fun and after I started getting some good ol Giantstalker gear I realized I could actually take some people down in pvp(assuming I still hit the right buttons).

Now that Burning Crusade is out I kinda decided for the sake of having a happy wife and being able to have more time to spend w/ my kids I needed to stop doing the hardcore raiding thing. But I still wanted to be successful so thank goodness Blizzard came up with the idea of the Arenas. Shortly before the expansion came out I made it a priority that playing on a pvp server I actually should know how to pvp...and try to do it well. I would have to say I've come a long way and can hold my own and then some. I'm currently in a 5v5 team with a 2109 rating and am absolutely loving it. Even though I kinda ran out of things to buy for arena gear lol!

Me and my good friends seriously can't wait until 2.3 and season 3 come out. Since hunters actually will be getting some love in the form of arcane shot being able to dispel player buffs and aimed shot now being able to apply a mortal strike effect on a target for 10 sec. As for my spec I am 41/18/2 Beastmaster spec and will in the coming posts be discussing strategies that I've found to work quite well. I also have 2 other lv 70 alts a Holy Paladin and a Frost Mage which I'll introduce them later too. So I definately look forward to this blog thing and hearing from other people about their ideas and comments.

1 comment:

Sebulon said...

Welcome, or whatever might be appropriate.

Makes me happy that there will be another good (hopefully) pvp hunter blog out here!

Have been doing pvp on my hunter for about 1 month now and am still struggling but having great fun.

I'm involved in a 2v2, a 3v3 and a 5v5. Rating sucks so far but we have tons of fun!

Hope to be able to learn from u more experienced guys out there and learn some nice tricks!

Thanks for taking the time!