Thursday, November 8, 2007

World of Warlocks?

I really wonder if this was the other name for WoW that the developers were considering naming it before release. One would think considering the fact that they are extremely overpowered in the area of pvp content. Now typically in almost every arena battle regardless of team size I almost always top the damage done. But can I heal myself? No. Can I perform mass crowd control on people? No. Can I drain mana and recieve the mana I drained? No. So I think it's a fair trade off and I would think to consider it fair that I'm allowed to do the most damage done.

The funny thing is all of the questions that I asked that I said no to, the Warlock can do them ALL! ..and can still out damage me and out heal the healer in my party. Now how in the world is that possible? We're all wearing season 2 gear yet a single class can out damage a pure dps class and out heal a resto druid in full season 2 gear...I'm sorry, but it's safe to say that there's some class balancing that needs to take place here.

Now to Blizzard's credit they try to implement some realism to the game by not allowing me as a hunter to shoot arrows through stone pillars or a mage to cast a fireball and have it pass though walls. Now back to our friend the warlock, interesting that for some reason they are allowed to cast life/mana drain through pillars and walls just fine...sure that makes total sense..? So either Jeff Kaplan is playing a warlock or the developers are just that ignorant. Either way it's a little ridiculous.

So coming to the realization that Blizzard seems to have no plans in changing this mess my friend Elistana and I decided to adhere to the old saying of "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em". So I'm afraid that is exactly what we plan on doing. He's created an demonology/affliction lock and I created a shadow priest. So time to get those cookie cutters out and cook up some mindless success at the apparent gift handed to us by our half-baked developers at Blizzard.


Shifttusk said...

Tagged you back!

Since I'm slowly getting back to heavy pvp (raided when I hit 70 but was a pvper at 60) I had a question for you. Right now I'm only really playing 3v3's and using 2's to try out people and mess around. I'm thinking of breaking into the "more ballanced" 5v5 bracket once s3 kicks off and i can blow my points! My question is what kind of lineup do you run with as BM and what do you find your primary role to be in 5s? Dps? Frost Trappage? Vipersting?

Anonymous said...

Well hello there Mr. Daelimar! Nice points on the obvious design flaw of said Warlock.

Truth be told, they are planning on fixing the Line of Sight issue with the pillars on the drain spells. They are "aware" as they put it and are more than likely going to resolve this issue come September 2011. :P


Daelimar said...

Well mostly we go with MS Warrior, Holy Pally, Frost Mage, Resto Druid, and me BM Hunter. Basically, my role is to assist the Warrior after he mortal strikes the target. The mage will join in shortly after he cc's the focus target. The druid then cc's a second person and then we just go to town on whatever the warrior is on.

I think the key to our team is definately the warrior and his selection of who to target and when. I'll sometimes call out when it's needed to split dps on a target that might be out of sight of the healer. Of course throughout the fight I'm constantly dropping traps. Depending on the opposing team's group make up I'll switch which traps I use.

The warrior at first wanted me to spec Marks so I'd get improved stings for a more effective mana drain and more cc/interrupt abilities. But after he saw how much damage I was doing he decided to give in and let me stay BM hehe.

But yeah 5v5 is definately more forgiving for hunters where my 2v2 team we could never break though 1900 this season. But I'm hoping 2.3 will change all of that. =) Thanks for the link and look forward to exchanging tips and tricks we learn along the way.

Glass Cannon Productions said...

Oh how I used to be that Holy Pally in the group... So sad!

Anonymous said...

The most imbalanced class in 2on2 is not the WL its the Druid, the fact that he has kiting/cc skills that no class should have fucks the whole 2k+ arena!
With my Restoshami i play 2on2 with an Affliction-Lock in the 2150's and yesterday we faced 90% Resto Drui Teams...
Break Manaleech with Feralform > Run away > Root Felhunter > Travelform > out of combat > catform > stealth > Felhunter breaks attack > Druid begins to drink...
and in 2.3 they even get 15% faster because they needet it so much!
If Blizzard has to fix los the have to fix that lame kiting of druids and castable 1,5k manaburns of priests first.
What Locks makes so much overpowered in is the fact that combined with druids or priests they have healers with too much tools at their side...

Jakuul / Abyssischer Rat / Europe

Daelimar said...

You do make some good points. Yeah resto druids have a lot of versatility that allow them to escape certain situations as well as quick heals which is what gives me fits when trying to down their warlock buddy. I just hope that today w/ patch 2.3 out that it'll give us hunters some much needed love in the smaller arena team matches.